Sunday, November 13, 2011


What does VOICE UP mean?  It means to have the courage to face the evil of child sexual abuse.  It means having the courage to speak up and speak out to break the silence.  It means to have the courage to protect a child when you have ANY suspicion of sexual abuse, or abuse of any kind.  Children are vulnerable, they are easily manipulated, especially those children starved for love.   How disgraceful and barbaric for an adult to stand by with knowledge of abuse and keep quiet.  Oh how we are failing our children, robbing them of the ability to trust any adult.  One adult abuses them and another looks the other way.

I am so saddened and horrified by the allegations that administrators and others on staff at Penn State University knew of the sexual abuse of little boys and did nothing.  I believe everyone involved should be charged.  Pedophiles often find opportunities to have open access and groom children.  Even more heartbreaking is that these children where troubled and even more vulnerable to a sexual attack because they were seeking love and acceptance.  I applaud these young men to have the courage to VOICE UP and seek justice for themselves and others.  It is time for all survivors to VOICE UP, not only for their own healing, but to break the silence and cycle of child sexual abuse.  When survivors get their VOICE then children can be protected.  The cycle can end when perpetrators are brought to justice. 

 VOICE Today, ( has Child Sexual Abuse Prevention programs that range from 7 minutes to 2 hours to help you learn how to predict and prevent child sexual abuse and have the courage to VOICE UP!  Please take the first step by going to and join THE VOICE MOVEMENT to learn how to VOICE UP!

1 comment:

  1. Tried posting once before. Will try again.
    What a long way we have come but still so much farther to go. God bless you. We are so grateful to be able to come alongside you in this wonderful ministry.
